Friday, June 01, 2007

Deployment #2

I am set to head out on my second deployment on Saturday, the 9th of June. It is going to be a base camping mission to Vietnam. What does this mean, you ask? Well, it means that 12 military personnel, 5 Vietnamese officials, 60 local workers, and I will all be living on a steep hillside in the Vietnamese jungle. In tents. For 45 days.

We have to bring all of our own food for 45 days worth of meals. What, you ask. The military doesn't provide the food? I am reimbursed for the cost off all of the food that I bring with me. It is actually a really great gig because it means that I get to eat what I like, not just what I am provided.

The location for the mission is in central Vietnam, a little ways outside of Da Nang. Da Nang is actually a city that I have been through before. It was in 2005 when I was on my SE Asia adventure. I spent a paltry hour in Da Nang on my way from Hue to Hoa's Place. I am hoping to get the opportunity to do a bit more exploring of the city on my way into and out of the site.

Unfortunately, since I am going to be living out in the jungle I am most likely not going to be able to post any stories or pictures. This is not a for sure guarantee though. I am going to have to wait and see if there are any surprises.