Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shops and Stalls

One of the best things about exploring a city is seeing what is available for purchase. A traveler is surrounded by a brilliant rainbow of color, varieties of aromas both enticing and repulsive, and a cacophony of sounds including ringing bicycle bells, hawkers selling their wares, and people haggling in seemingly incomprehensible tongues.

As usual, I did some serious damage at the fabric store

Hand embroidered Kashmiri shawls.

A fruit stall next to a religious paraphernalia merchant.

The spice guy.

Much to my dismay, I forgot to take a picture of the chai shop where I purchased tea with the goal of making the same delicious beverage at home that I had been drinking while in India.

Details of my chai recreation adventures will appear in a future post.

1 comment:

s. v. Indigo said...

Hey Owen - love these photos, and want to be there, especially in the fabric shop. You're looking remarkably like your Uncle Tim!