Sunday, March 23, 2008

Imperial War Museum North

One of the stops on my tour of England that I had to make was the Imperial War Museum North in Manchester, England. The building was designed by Daniel Libeskind. He is also the guy who won the design contest to build the new World Trade Center in New York City.

The museum takes a unique approach to presenting war and conflict to the visitor. It focuses on trying to show how war affects people and communities on a very basic level. This is accomplished by reducing the amount of "old things in glass cases" and focusing on a massive multi media surrounding experience. Every hour all of the lights in the massive exhibit hall go off and a slide show is projected on the walls. The slide show depicts different facets of war in super-size and there is a soundtrack that goes along with what you are watching. All of the walls of the museum are covered and so you are surrounded by images and sound. It is a very immersive experience. There are three different movies, each one dealing with a different theme about war.

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