Sunday, October 15, 2006

It did what?!

That's right. It SNOWED in Chicago earlier this week. In the MIDDLE of October! This means that the temperature must have been down around 32 degrees F!

This is simply unacceptable. I am not even sure if I own enough warm clothes for a trip like this. I can't even remember the last time that I had to cope with temperatures below about 45. I am definitely going to have to rummage around in the back of the closet.

Regardless, with less that a week to go I am getting very excited.


Papasan said...

The kid who grew up in Idaho is scared of snow. Hawaii has weakened you. By the way, how was the earthquake?

Owen said...

Nothing too major as I was about 150 miles from the epicenter. There was about 10 seconds of moderate shaking, but all of the power plants shut down to insure their safety. This meant that the entire Island of Oahu was without power for about 12 hours.