Monday, November 27, 2006

Macropus giganteus

Further south down the coast of New South Wales, we detoured off into Murramarang National Park to make a pit stop at Pebbly Beach. It was there that I finally got to get a certain desire out of my system. Kangaroos.

The interesting thing is that they are a lot like deer in the United States. People in the States are fascinated by them and rather non-chalant about deer. Aussies are fascinated by deer and are totally bored by kangaroos. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side... They are also similar in that deer are rats on stilts and kangaroos are simply rats on springs.
Shortly after arriving at the beach several kangaroos came out to eat. They were extremely docile and were not disturbed at all by us. When they first came out I spent about 15 minutes sneaking up on one of them until I was about 10 feet away from it. I came at it from the downwind direction, stayed low to the ground, and only moved when it was not looking at me. As soon as I got as close as I did Jo stood up and walked right over. As she said: "What would have been the fun in telling you that you could just walk up to them to begin with?" Good point.

Anyway, on with the pictures...

By the way, for those who want to know, these were eastern gray kangaroos. Oh yeah, and a group of kangaroos is known as a mob.


Papasan said...

They look delicious.

Emily said...

delicious??? yikes! i like Joanne's sense of humor--good to know there's someone in Oz keeping you in check. and that last pic is great--were you playing dead to get it?

Owen said...

I have not tried kangaroo yet, but I will before the trip is over.

He was just curious about the camera. I was just sitting there.