Saturday, November 25, 2006


I set out from the hostel around 9:00 this morning and met Barit, a Danish woman who was headed out for a half day in the city to take a few last pictures before heading home. She and I set forth across the downtown financial district to the Opera House.

The Sydney Opera House is one of those things that you have seen pictures of for years, but where the pictures never do it justice. It truly is an amazing building and its iconic status is indisputable.

I of course took a whole bunch of pictures of the outside of the building from a variety of different angles. You can see them below.

I also took a guided tour of the inside of the building. We went through three of the main performance spaces, but I was not allowed to take any pictures. All told, you learn a lot about the building itself, but the tour is a little overpriced for what you get. I recommend skipping it. There are other, better things to spend the money on.


Damien Huffer said...

Nice pics mate! I'll have to send you some of mine when you get back so we can compare! Just stay out of King's Cross at night :)

Emily said...

good to see you made it in one piece. looking forward to some crazed stories. and happy thanksgiving!

Lilypad John said...

That looks cool, I totally have to visit someday.