So as I was typing yesterdays post a girl walked into the internet cafe I was in, sat down and said high to me. We started up a conversation and it turns out that her name is Caroline and that she has been on the road in Australia and New Zealand for the last 5 months and that she is now doing her last month here in South East Asia. She mentioned that she was going to be heading to Vietnam and doing the same path I am, but that she is going to be making the hop to Hanoi in about 4 days from now. I suggested that she check out the travel agency that I used for my flight and we headed off to find it together because I had to pick up my tickets anyway. We found it and she got her flight for early next week.
We decided that since we were already together and it was the first full day for each of us that we would head out and see the sights around Khaosan Rd. We started walked down towards Wat Phra Kaew (the really big one) and it turned out that we were inappropriately dressed. We

were lucky enough to learn this from a monk who was very keen on Tiger Woods and the Superbowl. I tired to help him understand that Tiger didn't play football, but it didn't really work. Regardless he told us two very important things. One, it was the one day a month when all the Wats around the city are free. Two, that the Armani factory outlet that is normally ONLY for Thai people was on the last day of its sale that was open to westerners. He also hooked us up with a Tuk Tuk driver and got a price that was unreal. 40 baht (1$) for the ENTIRE day. So off we went to see all of the wats that the monk said we needed to see. We went to Wat Ratchathiwat, Wat Benchamabophit, Wat Saket, and Wat Po.
The wats are amazing. They are buddhist temples/temple complexes where the artwork is amazing to say the least. There are tons of giant golden buddhas and some of the most intricate design work with mother of pearl that I have ever seen. At one of that Wats we met a Thai Tax

Lawyer who worked in London and he also told about the Armani sale, so we were reaffirmed that this was legit. There was no way that he could possibly know the monk, nor could be getting any benefit from us going to the armani place.
So off we went to Voglee, the Armani factory outlet. IT was buy two suits, get one free so Caroline and I each got one and then I got a sports coat and she got another pair of slacks. My suit is off white linen! I am going to get it fitted when I get back to Bangkok in about a month. Ok, so the cost... The linen suit and the sports coat cost me $300. Wait! It also means that I now have a lifetime membership (yes I have a little gold card) and that if I ever want another Armani suit all I have to do is e-mail them, they send me a catalog, and I order one, and because they have my measurements on size they know exactly how big to make it. Every Armani suit I get from now on will only cost me $210. SWEET! I always knew that I was going to finally get a nice wardrobe, it just had to be cheap enough.
In sum, the company was outstanding, the day was a blast, and I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. I am off to Vietnam later today and am totally pumped.
argh...really, I'm not bitter, I would MUCH rather be trying to write a 10 minute presentation in arabic than tool around Bangkok with cute strangers...hmm, not very convincing is it? anyway, glad to hear you're already having such a great time. more by email after tomorrow.
Great job on getting the new suit. Now you'll have something to wear to my wedding. Oh yeah, make sure your in the states for Nov. 12th. :D It looks liek you are having a blast. Keep taking this pictures and posting your adventures. It great to read whilst I slave away in my cubicle.
Jeffrey R.
Okay, please send a pic of you with your new haircut in your linen suit!! I will probably fall out of my chair!
Um, Owen, I hate to break your little fantasy but the Wats are always free. That monk got a tip from the Tuk-Tuk driver by guiding you to him, that's all.
Nonetheless, 40 baht is still a good deal for an all-day driver.
Did you ever receive the suit from Voglee, I was there this past summer and have not received anything. I am trying to find all the people that are getting taken by Voglee to possibly do something about it.
Hi, I was in Bangkok just before christmas and also got the same story about Voglee. I thought it was too good an offer to miss, so I ended up buying a suit and having it shipped home. Mine actually arrived back at home 6 days later. I guess I wouldn't call it a full blown scam, as the suit actually seems a really nice quality, but it certainly makes you more wary as the two people I met who spoke about it seemed very genuine.
Hello i also went to Voglee and trapped into this scam.
I went back and the only thing i could do was to get an extra pants...
What can tourists do with this place? isn't there a way how we can break this company?
Yep, the exact same thing happened to me with Voglee, EXACTLY the same but in 2007. The suits are alright though, but expensive for Thai standards I believe.
Don't ever carry any package for anyone across an international border or buy any gems.
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