Rent a car. Without a driver. If you tell a Vietnamese travel agent that you want to rent a car without a driver they simply stare at you like you have asked them to book you a bus ticket to the moon. Mark and I have gone to at least three dozen travel agencies over the last week as well as having the very well connected and exceedingly helpful staff at our hostel in an attempt to find a jeep that we could drive to Ho Chi Minh City.
As a result I am now headed south tonight on the bus. A much less glamorous method of travel to say the least. I am leaving around 8 pm and should be arriving in Hue around 10 am tomorrow morning. While an old russian army jeep would have been an awesome experience, the traffic fatality statistics quoted to us by the hostel staff put a heavy dose of reality into us. More than 40 people a day die on Vietnamese country roads in traffic accidents. This statistic, coupled with the apparent complete lack of traffic laws has led to me to believe that maybe it is better that western style car rental remain a foreign concept here in Vietnam.

Yeah, that would have been quite cool, but you made me really worry about your sanity when you suggested it :) I remember that most hotels are not legally aloud to rent even a normal moto to a foreigner without driver. I think you will see why your original plan would have been problematic the closer you get to exponential growth curve of traffic chaos!
that is funny.
Sorry I've not come to your site earlier, I didn't realize that you were leaving so soon. I love your blog!
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